Saturday, July 17, 2010


Life is short. This message reverberates with each movie, with each song and even more so with a passing of a individual close to us. This past week my sister's friend passed away at the young age of 16. As inevitable as it is, death can be emotional, especially when it occurs at young age in such a tragic circumstance.

While the mood I seem to be painting is dark and gloomy, the message and content of this blog is not (I hope). Not to reiterate, but life is short. I lived this week being wholey (not a word I know) grateful and alive. Grateful for the people that have been such a great and amazing part of my life, the privileges I am able to experience and the simple things I am able to accomplish.

Tuesday with my cousin, I went for facials and got my hair done then splurged on dinner at Coast on Robson and Alberni. I had an amazing smoked salmon flat bread and fresh Atlantic Scallops (which I kinda thought was a bit cold when I got them) with grape tomatos and some strange squash thing that I forgot the name of. Wednesday with one of my good friends, I had yummy home made (by my friend's mom) smoked salmon with sundried tomato & caper pasta, caught some rays, ate decent wings at the Fiddle and watched the Exorcist for the first time.

Thursday with another one of my good friends, I walked down through Commercial and explored through Venables and Clark in search of La Casa Gelato for some Cabernet Sauvignon Sorbetto (yummy and refreshing!). We then ventured to try Harambe's, an Ethiopian restaurant on Commercial which I thought was nicely decorated and although some (maybe most) would find the service lacking, I thought it was nice. It was a very casual and chill atmosphere catering to fellow Ethopians. The food was mostly pickled lentils, chickpeas, spinach and string beans and some spicy curry-esque chicken all of which I really liked (such a change from the seafood). I'm not sure what we ate it with (aside from using our hands) there were rolls of bread(?) the consistency was different, soft, bubbly almost kind of doughy? I've yet to do my research. I liked the new experience though!

And so as the week wraps up, I find myself thinking, what is it that I haven't done that would love to do? I have been choosing to spend time with those I love the most, those who mean so much to me while doing something either out of the ordinary, just relaxing, or endulging in a treat. The people that surround you and the experiences you live through with them are those that matter. While I did hold a bit of a grudge, after the occurance of certain events this week I find it worthless to spend any more time and emotion on the matter.

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